Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mom's Southern Cooking - A Simple Fruit Cobbler

As I continue my quest to cook like my Southern mother, last night I made a super, simple cherry cobbler. She first made this cobbler at the age of 15 when she learned the recipe in home ec! Now, when I think of mid-week desserts, I think of not eating desserts during the week because they can be too complicated to make. Not the case with last night's cobbler!

If you've seen Steel Magnolia's then you know all about this cobbler. It's a cup, a cup, a cup, kind of dessert and one you can easily remember. No need to write it down. Just remember, a cup of self-rising flour, a cup of sugar, a cup of whole milk, and a stick of unsalted butter (melted). It's that simple.

Here's what you need: Self-Rising Flour, Sugar, Unsalted Butter, Whole Milk, and the fruit of your choice. The best ones are cherry, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, or a mix of berries. 

Per my mom, mix the flour and sugar together before adding the milk. If you add the milk before mixing, the flour clumps up. I believe her!

Once the dry ingredients are mixed, add the cup of milk. Now, if you are baking, you must measure! And remember, measuring cups for the dry ingredients. A glass measuring cup for liquids. It's a must!

Melt your butter in a little under a 9 x 13 baking dish while the oven is preheating to 350. 

Swirl the melted butter around the pan to coat, and then add the butter to the batter.

Add the batter to the pan. Drain your berries, and then add them to the batter. (If using frozen fruit, make sure it's thawed before using.)

 Spread the berries around as evenly as you can.

Sprinkle a little sugar on the top of the batter, if desired. It's not a necessary step.

Bake for an hour at 350. Tent with aluminum foil if the cobbler starts to get a little brown. 

Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream! What was so great is that this went in the oven at the start of dinner, and once dishes were loaded and washed, the cobbler was out and had cooled long enough for a bite! Honestly, this is the best, and easiest way, to serve your family a little unexpected treat in the middle of the week!

Happy Eats!

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