Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Forthy Before the Big 4-0 Update

I have to admit I haven't really been focusing on my Big 4-0 list! I'm still reading Anna Karenina, that book is rough, and only about 40% through the book. Remember why I started reading it in the first place? Fashion!! Banana Republic did an entire collection around the book. Oh, and the romantic link between Anna and Vronsky. There are some really great parts, and just when I am getting into it, the next section is about stuff I could care less about....like who cares about farming and sectioning off the land to give to Muzhiks. Let's get to the romance because that's what I thought the book focused on the most. It doesn't....


My mom got me a Fassage for my birthday but I haven't scheduled it yet. It sounds amazing. A facial plus massage! I need to get that scheduled and that will take care of number 25. I have really tried to focus on number 39, spend more time with girlfriends. We had a girls night back in December. Four of us headed to the Melting Pot for a little Girl's Night indulgence! It was a fabulous evening. I had lunch with my girlfriend Carolyn back in January and had sushi and drinks with Julie last Thursday. It has been so nice to just have a glass wine, food and girl talk!

I'm dying to travel! Number two and three go hand in hand and I truly hope to schedule a trip to NY in September. Now, how can I head to NY and still take McKinley with me? I'm thinking my mom should go too! She can be the nanny, like Rachel Zoe's sister Pam, and we can have fun in the city when time allows. My dad could go too and take some amazing photos for his new venture in life...

A lot of the things on my list are really spring and summer related. I'm so looking forward to Old Man Winter disappearing for a while. We are so over the confines of our house. We want to get out, explore the town, breath in fresh air and sunshine and sport bare legs! My dad and I talk all the time about number 19! I have created a playlist in my head but we just need to sit down and rehearse. Oh, and figure out how to actually perform in public!

At the rate I'm going, I'm pretty sure I might secure 10 items on the list! I am, however, saving like mad for number one!!! We will make that happen. I guess I need to get on the passports for myself and McKinley. (That would take care of number 34.) The trip of a lifetime is still possible! I won't let that one go! And the gonadal ride at the Venetian doesn't count!

Want to see the full list? Check it out here!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Motherhood and Selfishness

I'm an only child. And, for those of us only children, most people expect us to be selfish, self-centered people, right? I would like to think that I don't fit into either category. Yes, I do think about myself from time to time, but who doesn't? Am I selfish? Sure, when it comes to things like sharing my time with my child, sharing my mascara with others (gross) or sharing a toothbrush with my husband. Who does that anyway? So, when I thought about having a child, I knew that my time as an only would come to a screeching halt.

What do I mean by that? Well, as an only child, I'm doted on. It's a perk of being an only child and only only children know this behavior. You don't have to share your toys, your time with your parents, your anything. My parents gave me all of their attention but didn't lavish me with gifts. If anything, it was the opposite. I didn't get what I wanted when I wanted it. I got things for Christmas, Easter, Valentines and birthday just like everyone else. However, it didn't stop once I hit a certain age. I still get something for all of those holidays and I love it. Not afraid to brag about it. But, again, upon having a child, I knew somethings would change. I'm not the first person they hug upon entering the door. I'm not the first person they ask about when I call to say hello. And that's okay. That's how it's supposed to be.

The other part of being a mother means that there isn't much time for you anymore. You put all of your time and energy into your child without thought or regret. But, aren't there times when you just feel like being a little selfish? Or is that me? There are times where I miss waking up past 8:00 on a Saturday morning only to move to the couch and watch nothing on TV. I miss going out to dinner on a Friday night and then staying out way too late because we didn't need to come home. Hence, the waking up past 8:00 on a Saturday morning. I miss packing up and jetting off to NY or LA, or anywhere for that matter, because Joel and I needed to get away for a weekend. It doesn't mean I don't love my son any less, does it?

My latest selfish thought as been centered around a day of doing absolutely nothing and with no one in particular! And when I say nothing, what I really mean is having a pajama party and watching the Twilight Saga, in all five parts, from start to finish! Doesn't that sound completely amazing? I would start with lattes and breakfast. Lunch somewhere in between, preferably something delivered or a drive-thru. (I'm in my pajamas remember.) Then, I would conclude the evening with wine and pizza. A handful of girlfriends, tissues and munches would be a welcomed addition.

Midnight Showing of New Moon

Midnight Showing of Eclipse

Seriously, am I alone in this kind of thinking? Do other mothers wish for a day all to themselves? Or are you all saints and I'm simply that selfish, self-centered only child I didn't think I was? Anyone....

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What are They, Superheros?

A typical evening in the lives of the Krasnows is pretty exciting, let me tell ya. I pick up McKinley from my parents, head home, make dinner, get McKinley in the bath, play for a bit and then try to get him to bed at a reasonable hour. What I can't seem to figure it out is how people get dinner on the table, kids in the bath and in bed by 7:00 or 7:30. I have to ask myself, are these people superheros? I can't get my kid home before 5:45 on most days. Dinner is usually on the table by maybe 6:30. McKinley is in the bath sometime after that and we are getting him calmed down around 8:00 in hopes of him getting to bed by 8:30. There is no way I can meet the 7:00/7:30 standard of bedtime.

When talking with Joel about a schedule for McKinley, we knew we wanted to have dinner as a family. I don't want him eating alone and then playing while we eat. We are a family and we are going to have family dinners for a very long time to come. Joel and I, pre-baby, were very late eaters. We would hit the gym a couple of times a week after work so we wouldn't get home until close to 6:00 or later. By the time we got home, made dinner and had it on the table, we were looking at 7:30 or 8:00. Changing to a 6:00/6:30 dinner time was a rough adjustment but I'm so happy with our commitment.

Even with all of this said, I still question the schedule we have for our son. Is 8:00/8:30 too late? Should one of us start dinner as soon as we got home to ensure that dinner is on the table no later than 6:00 in hopes that McKinley is in the bath sooner which would put him to bed sooner as well? I've compared myself to others mothers who seem to be making it work and I've had to tell myself to stop! I am not those other mothers, I'm McKinley's mother. Our schedule seems to be working and none of us seem to have many complaints. Plus, we have the luxury of having my parents as his "daycare" so when McKinley sleeps in during the week, my dad comes over before I leave for work and simply waits for McKinley to wake up. I'm not forced to wake him up early to get us out the door. Another reason for extended evenings of playtime!

The down side to a later evening? Sure Joel and I would like more TV time to relax, but we get to spend extra McKinley time which is relaxation enough. I would love to sit down and read a fashion magazine from cover to cover during the evening, but I can do that during his weekend naps. I would like to use the time to straighten up the house, but no one comes over to visit anyway so what's the use. It's all about compromise, right?

I constantly struggle with my mothering skills, as I'm pretty sure they suck, but McKinley seems to be happy with me as his mom and that's all that matters, right? Joel and I get moments to spend with each other when McKinley does finally go down in the evenings, but we are both so tired at the end of the night that we're usually sleep within in minutes as well. I figure, earlier evenings are on the horizon once he starts pre-school so I'm going to enjoy my baby boy time for as long as I can get it!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hello and Welcome

Hey everyone! Welcome to Krasnow Living, a lifestyle blog about the daily lives of my little family of three. And, from time to time, the lives that include my zany family! I am also the author behind Style My Way, a personal style blog, but I wanted something that allowed me to write about my life. I tried to incorporate that into my style blog, but it just wasn't a good fit. Here, I will write about everything that isn't fashion related! I will simply blog about life. The ups and downs. Parenting successes and fails. New recipes I try and if I love them or not. Baking and all that it encompasses. I love to bake!

I am constantly updating my home and I will take you into our living space, showing you everything that we do. I love sharing and receiving ideas which is also why I'm obsessed with HGTV. I love to entertain! My husband hates that part of me, but if I ask nicely (like I ever ask), he allows me to have parties from time to time. As a matter of fact, I am currently planning my sons second birthday party! I can't wait to blog about that day. We are laid back when it comes to entertaining, which helps in the stress department. Actually, we are pretty laid back in about every aspect of our life.

And, I will be blogging about my Forty Before the Big 4-0. That's right, I will be 40 this year and I borrowed this idea from my friend Tina. I've made a list of 40 things I would like to do before I turn 40. Life doesn't end at 40 but I do have a lot of things I would like to accomplish before then So far, not much has been checked off the list. I better get busy.

 Lastly, I am going to publish all of the posts that I've written and posted on Style My Way. Take the time to read them, if you would like, or just get started with some of the newer things I hope to bring to Krasnow Living. I am so happy to start this new adventure in blogging! I hope you stick around for a while!