It has been one week since I started Weight Watchers and so far things are going pretty well. The hardest part has been figuring out points! Oh, and dieting! They arm you with some terrific tools. However, I have created some helpful cheat sheets, like a spread sheet of foods by catagory and their associated points, so I have something to reference when my computer isn't handy. I'm allowed 26 points a day and I haven't really found it all that hard to stay within them. I've actually been leaving some points on the table. Sometimes two, sometimes more. And, I've been hungrier on some days versus others, but I'm trying to really stick with this and not cheat.
Another great tool I've discovered, with the help of my friend Wendy, is their recipe builder. Since you can't literally calculate every single point, the recipe builder breaks down your meal on the points scale, and you can save the recipe if you were to make it again. For instance, Wendy provided me with a 1 Point Weight Watcher muffin years ago and I had lost the recipe for the umptenth time! Based on the new WW points system, we wondered if the muffins were still one point. With the recipe builder, we plugged in all the ingredients, changed our serving size to 24, and it calcutated that our previous one point muffin was now two! Super helpful and I use it all the time now.
I love that most, if not almost all, veggies and fruits are zero points! I can fill up on healthy snacks and not feel guilty for eating. Other snacks food are low in points as well. For instance, sugar free Jell-O is zero points! Add a teaspoon of Cool Whip and you have a one point dessert or snack! Add 2 tablespoons of Humus to your carrots or celery and you have a two point snack! A cup of air popped, plain popcorn is one point! All great snack foods that fill you up! That's the key. Fill up! They say you shouldn't be hungry on WW, and for most days, that's true.
I've been a lot more active this past week as well. I've taken a couple more walks and started the work on building/planting our garden. I've been lifting 40 pound bags of top soil, 16 pound bags of organic soil, digging, raking and planting for the better part of the weekend. And I get to log all of those activity points and "cash" them in whenever I want. I'm thinking I might use them for the upcoming weekend! Vacations aren't always the best times to diet. Those extra points are going to come in handy!
And, as it turns out, the weight loss it taking place. The goal set by Weight Watchers, that I thought was eight pounds in a week, is actually eight pounds total. I'm down 2.5 pounds after week one! Taht might not sound like a lot, but according to my friend Wendy, the average weight loss in a week is two pounds. I'm off to a great start! Let's hope the momentum continues during the week and I continue to shed even through the holiday weekend!
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