There were some items that I worked on but didn't really blog about during my 40 Before 40 quest. It's not that I didn't find them important. They just seemed minimal to blog about individual. So I'm going to blog about them all here.
Take number nine for instance; learn how to crochet and actually make something. You know what I made, a chain. That's right, I made a single chain. I took it out, tried again. Took it out, tried again. I got so frustrated that I put it down and never picked it up again! I would say that number nine is complete in the fact that I will NEVER try it again!
Numbers 13 and 14 go hand in hand; get back in the gym and lose remaining baby weight. I never actually got back in the gym, but I did start working out again. It's not on a weekly basis, shoot, it's not even on a bi-weekly basis. However, I'm working out when I can by using my Zumba for Wii, taking walks around the neighborhood, and currently partaking in dance parties with McKinley. Those are the most fun! (Have you ever seen Shag: The Movie? DO!) And, I may not have lost all the remaining baby weight, but I am within five pounds of my goal weight. These may not be complete, but at least I've made something happen, right?
Number 23 has been hard, but I truly have been trying to refrain from using the F word so much! Especially now that McKinley has started to repeat things I say, like, oh my god! Actually, he used that once and I've tried to start using oh my gosh. Over the course of our trip to California, he found that when he used "oh my gosh" everyone would laugh, so he used it a lot. He hasn't used it since we've been home, which is a good thing! As for the F word, I still use it. It's one of my favorite words, just ask my friends, but I use it around adults or alone in the car while cursing bad drivers!
Number 28 is one that I definitely tried to take to heart; correspond more by written mail. I love to get something in the mail that's not a bill and I'm pretty sure others feel the same way. I've tried to send my grandmothers cards and little notes of love. I've sent holiday cards to friends which I haven't done in a couple of years because "I was too busy." When did I get so busy? I used to send them all the time. I just got lazy! I also sent cards of congratulations or for nothing at all. I really hope to keep that going in the years to come!
Same with number 39. Number 39 was to spend more time with girlfriends. This has been the toughest to do. I've tried. Honestly, I've tried. A small group of us went out to dinner before the holidays to celebrate in a smaller setting. I've had sushi and drinks with my friend Julie. I've had plans with some that have fallen through, but will get those rescheduled soon. I've said it before and I will continue to say it. I spend my "free" time with McKinley because I get such limited time with him. I'm not going to get into the debate of mothers who work inside or outside the home. The truth of the matter is I work. And, because I work, I get limited time with my son. I will alway put him first! And I hope my girlfriends can understand.
So, that's six that never really got a blog post, but are worth blogging about as a lump sum. A recap is coming soon, in case you haven't been following along.